var currency = { sign: '₪', value: parseFloat('4,03') } var config = { switchCustomerFee: 25, siteDiscount: 0 } //< %=Resources.mano.language % > var lang = { lang: 'ru', error_PasswordExpired1: 'The passport of', error_PasswordExpired2: 'is expired', error_EnglishOnly: 'Please enter english letters only', error_HebrewOnly: 'Please enter hebrew letters only', SwitchPassengerFeeMessage: 'Passenger\'s name change fee:
By proceeding your credit card will be charged automatically. Are you sure you want to change passenger\'s name?', Accept: 'confirm', Cancel: 'cancel', Attention: 'Attention', CancelPassengerMessage: 'Are you sure you want to cancel this passenger?', CancelPassengerMessage2: 'Cancellation fee for canceling passenger:
By confirming your credit card will be charged automatically. Are you sure you want to cancel this passenger?', CancelRoomMessage: 'Are you sure you want to cancel this room?', CancelRoomMessage2: 'Cancellation fee for canceling room:
By confirming your credit card will be charged automatically. Are you sure you want to cancel this room?', AtLeastOneRoom: 'The order must contain at least one room', AddExtrasMessage: 'total fro your extras:
Proceed?', AddExtrasMessage2: 'Your credit card will be charged automatically.
', MustField: 'This field is mandatory', ValidEmail: 'Please enter valid email', PassportExpired: 'Passport expired', hello: 'Hello', MorningTour: 'Morning tour', AfternoonTour: 'Afternoon tour', EveningTour: 'Evening tour', AlldayTour: 'All day tour', RoomLocationsFront: 'Front', RoomLocationsMiddle: 'Middle', RoomLocationsBack: 'Elevator', PleaseAgree: 'Please confirm that you agree to our privacy policy', AgreePikadon: 'Please confirm that you agree to the terms of the deposit', AreYouSureYouWantToCancelOrder: 'Are you sure you want to cancel this order?', PleaseEnter:'Please enter', PasswordNotMatch:'Password and password verification do not match', ItemAlreadyAttached:'This item is already exist for', ReceivingNewsletter:'Please accept subscribing for Mano\'s newsletters', DataSaved:'Thank you for subscribing for our newsletters!', SelectAgency :'Please choose agency', SelectAgencyBranch :'Please choose branch', EnterPhone :'Please enter phone number', ValidPhone :'Please enter valid phone', NewsletterSaved :'Thank you for subscribing to Mano Maritime\'s newsletter!', AgreeCreditcard :'Agree to use my credit card', NoThnx :'No thanks, i will hold the line' }